Biodiversity & Cultural Diversity: all materials

Environmental use of “nanotechnology” highlights regulatory inadequacies and lack of clarity in the nanotech industry 30 Sep 2003
Europe's (and the World's) Big Soy Berger 6 May 2003
May 6-7 2003, European Patent Office Hears Patent Challenge in Munich - Eight and One-Half Years Later! 27 Apr 2003
US Government and Multinational Seed Industry Force UPOV to Abandon Critique of Terminator 16 Apr 2003
A mix of Bits, Atoms, Neurons and Genes (B.A.N.G.) make the world come ‘round – for the USA! 31 Mar 2003
Political "About Face" or "Two-Faced" Policy? 7 Nov 2002
Civil Society Denounces CGIAR for Denial, Diversion and Delay on GM Contamination in Mexican Centre of Genetic Diversity 30 Oct 2002
The Year of Playing Dangerously 24 Oct 2002
Extract of Andean Root Crop Patented for “Natural Viagra” Properties 2 Jul 2002
Food Sovereignty and the World Food Summit - 27 Modest Proposals 4 Jun 2002 promote genetic seed sterilization - Terminator technology - as an environmental protection technology 30 Apr 2002
