Reports on Food and Agriculture: FAO, CGIAR, CFS

Ag monopoly makes mergers suspect – Big Six create “charity” cartel instead, conning regulators and public breeders
Mega Foundations, Agribusiness Muscle In On Public Goods
Gene Giants Stockpile Patents on “Climate-Ready” Crops in Bid to Become Biomassters
The Committee on World Food Security Passes a Test, but…
Ciao FAO: Another "Failure-as-Usual" Food Summit
US Government and Multinational Seed Industry Force UPOV to Abandon Critique of Terminator
Oil on Troubled Waters...or just a Tempest in a Test-tube?
The USDA's Terminator Defence
Governments at FAO's Gene Commission fail to make the grade on Farmers' Rights and Benefit Sharing
Governance and the CG's Third Review - A Civil Society Report on International Agricultural Research
TAC's Biotech Gambit
A Civil Society Perspective on Food Security, Agriculture, and Biodiversity Issues in the Multilateral Arena
