Submitted by ETC Group on

In mid-october 2012 ETC Group, working with partners, uncovered a large-scale unauthorised geoengineering scheme that had been carried out in July 300km off the west coast of Canada, close to the islands of Haida Gwaii. We discovered that this ocean fertilization scheme, which involved at least 120 tons of iron dust and iron sulphate being dumped into a highly biodiverse marine ecosystem, appeared to have given rise, at least in part, to an unusually large (10,000 sq km) plankton boom. We also learned that the principal actor behind this large dump of iron was Russ George formerly CEO of Planktos, a company that had attempted to dump iron in the waters west of the Galapagos Islands and the Canary islands in 2007. In ETC Group's view this activity violated at least three international moratoria established through the IMO's London Convention and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity.
ETC Group brought this news to allies from the indigenous Haida Nation of Haida Gwaii as well as to a journalist from the Guardian newspaper who broke the story on October 15th as countries were meeting at the 11th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Hyderabad India - where ETC also directly informed the world's governments who were negotiating on Geoengineering oversight. The news prompted shock and alarm from the marine science community, governments and civil society and also from many of the residents of Haida Gwaii and the west coast of Canada.
The links below represent a partial record of the media reporting and scientific and official responses to this large real-world geoengineeirng scheme. They are arranged by date with the latest news articles at the bottom of the list.
World's biggest geoengineering experiment 'violates' UN rules
by MARTIN LUKACS, The Guardian, Oct. 15 2012
"A controversial American businessman dumped around 100 tonnes of iron sulphate into the Pacific Ocean as part of a geoengineering scheme off the west coast of Canada in July, a Guardian investigation can reveal. "
Geo-engineering Violation. An illegal iron dumping project off the west coast has caused a dangerous plankton bloom.
by CBC Radio: As it happens, Oct. 15 2012
‘Rogue’ Geoengineering Scheme In Pacific Violated UN Rules, Groups Say
by ENVIRONMENT 360, Oct. 15 2012
Here We Go Again With Dumping Iron Into the Ocean
by Dr. M., Deep Sea News, Oct. 15 2012
Geoengineering experiment off B.C. coast called ‘blatant violation’ of UN rules. The experiment involves controversial Californian businessman Russ George.
by MARGARET MUNRO, The Vancouver Sun, Oct. 15 2012
Ocean Geoengineering Experiment Likely Broke International Law
by MATT MCDERMOTT, Treehugger, Oct. 15 2012
Here We Go Again With Dumping Iron Into the Ocean
by Dr. M., Deep Sea News, Oct. 15 2012
A massive and illegal geoengineering project has been detected off Canada’s west coast
by GEORGE DVORSKY, io9, Oct. 16 2012
Geoengineering experiment off B.C. coast called ‘blatant violation’ of UN rules
by MARGARET MUNRO, Postmedia News, Oct. 16 2012
Its livelihood gone, fishing village tries scheme to seed a barren sea
by MARK HUME, The Globe and Mail, Oct. 16 2012
Iron fertilization project stirs West Coast controversy. Project intended to raise nutrient levels offshore for salmon population
by CBC News, Oct. 16 2012
Geoengineering Nut Dumps Tons of Iron Into Ocean
by ALYSSA DANIGELIS, Lives Science, Oct. 16 2012
Illegal Iron Dumping Spawns Huge Algal Bloom Seen from Space
by JEANNA BRYNER, Lives Science, Oct. 16 2012
100 tonnes of iron sulphate dumped off Canada’s Pacific coast
by Metro News, Oct. 16 2012
Haida Gwaii: 'We have created life out there': Iron-dust trial to foster sea life in B.C. waters arouses hope, horror
by JUDITH LAVOIE, Times Colonist, Oct. 16 2012
Geoengineering experiment off Canadian coast is the world's largest ever
by ALEXANDER BESANT, Global Post, Oct. 16 2012
World's biggest geoengineering experiment 'violates' UN rules?
by WILLIAM M. CONNOLLEY, Sb Science Blog, Oct. 16 2012
When geoengineering goes rogue
by BRAD PLUMER, Washington Post, Oct. 16 2012
Canadian government 'knew of plans to dump iron into the Pacific'. Chief executive of company responsible for controversial geoengineering test implicates several departments.
by MARTIN LUKACS, The Guardien, Oct. 17 2012
Covert Geoengineering - ETC Group on illegal geoengineering in Pacific
Radio Ecoshock, Oct. 17 2012
Independent geoengineer's ocean field test condemned
by MICHAEL MARSHALL, New Scientist, Oct. 17 2012|NSNS|2012-GLOBAL|climate-change
Ignoring geoengineering at our peril
by SARA PHILLIPS, abc Net Environment, Oct. 17 2012
Russ George Releases 100 Tons Of Iron Into Pacific
by BRETT SMITH, Red Orbit, Oct. 17 2012
Rogue Geoengineer Dumps 100 Tons of iron Off Canada's West Coast. Geoengineering is always controversial, but it's even more controversial when you don't tell anyone first.
by CLAY DILLOW, PopSci - Popular Science, Oct. 17 2012
OIF Accusations Fly at CBD COP11
by JOSH HORTON, Blog Geoengineering Politics, Oct. 17 2012
Iron fertilization bloom in the north Pacific Ocean
Goddard Earth Scieces Data and Information Service Center (Giovanni visualizations)
Environment Canada to probe ocean experiement on west coast
by RAVEENA AULAKH, The Star, Oct. 17 2012
Haida company facing controversy over pacific ocean iron dust dump says its creating life.
by JORGE BARRERA, APTN National News, Oct. 17 2012
Rogue Geoengineer Dumps 100 Tons of Iron into the Ocean.
by STEVEN SPARKMAN, Newsy, Oct. 17 2012
The council of the Haida Nations comments: "The consequences of tampering with the nature at this scale are not predictable and pose unacceptable risks to the marine environment."
Please see the "Statement from Council of Haida Nation Oct 18 2012.pdf" for more information.
UN agreement urges caution over geoengineering tests. Guidelines on the deployment of geoengineering have been agreed at the UN biodiversity summit in Hyderabad following intense negotiations.
by TIERNEY SMITH, RTCC, Oct. 18 2012
Canada Green leader warns against fertilizing seas
by AFP, Oct. 18 2012
Rogue geoengineering experiment dumps 100 tonnes of iron into the Pacific
by Avaaz Daily Briefing, Oct. 18 2012
ETC Group Goes After Canadian Government
by JOSH HORTON, Blog: Geoengineering Politics, Oct. 18 2012
Canada's government knew about the geohacking project off its Pacific coast
by GEORGE DVORSKY, io9, Oct. 18 2012
Beware the rogue geoengineer
by MELISSA FELDER,, Oct. 18 2012
A Rogue Climate Experiment Outrages Scientists
by HENRY FOUNTAIN, The New York Times, Oct. 18 2012
The First Geo-Vigilante
by MICHAEL SPECTER, The New Yorker, Oct. 18 2012
Rogue Dumping of Iron into Ocean Stirs Controversy
by STEPHANIE PAPPAS, LiveScience, Oct. 18 2012
Feds, Haida at odds over program over ocean fertilization program
by Canadian Press, Oct. 18 2012
Contents of the Media package from our press conference on October 19, 2012.
Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation, Oct. 19 2012
Canada wins Dodo Award
by BOB MCDONALD, CBC News, Oct. 19 2012
Ocean fertilization: 'Rogue climate hacker' Russ George raises storm of controversy
by MARGARET MUNRO, The Vancouver Sun, Oct. 19 2012
Businessman Russ George defends experiment seeding Pacific with iron sulphate
by MARK HUME & IAN BAILEY, The Globe and Mail, Oct. 19 2012
Haida leader explains why he voted against massive ocean fertilization project
by CBC, Oct. 19 2012
US businessman defends controversial geoengineering experiment. Russ George says he has been under a 'dark cloud of vilification' following his ocean fertilisation test off Canada's Pacific coast.
by MARTIN LUKACS, The Guardian, Oct. 19 2012
Profitable climate fixes are too tempting for rogue geoengineers to resist. It is the politics of climate change – not the science of geoengineering – that has created the opportunity for controversial iron dump.
by ADAM CORNER, The Guardian, Oct. 19 2012
Feds, Haida at odds over program that saw iron dust deposited in ocean
by KEVEN DREWS, Edmonton Journal, Oct. 19 2012
West Coast ocean fertilization project defended. Dumping iron dust off B.C. coast violated no laws or treaties, leaders say.
by CBC News, Oct. 19 2012
Canadian Government Knew of Illegal Geoengineering Scheme
by MARIO A., Set You Free News, Oct. 19 2012
Will a Fishy Geoengineering Experiment Raise the Stakes of Global Environmental Law? It may have taken someone dumping iron into the ocean to make the world take notice.
by BIDISHA BANERJEE, Slate, Oct. 19 2012
Scientists warn deep ocean iron dump could have serious consequences for ocean
by JAMES KELLER and KEVEN DREWS, Winnipeg Free Press, Oct. 19 2012
Native village defends ocean experiment; Canada launches probe
by NICOLE MORDANT, Reuters & Chicago Tribune, Oct. 19 2012;
Satellite imagery of the rogue Canadian iron dumping experiment
by MARCUS BECKER, Spiegel Online, Oct. 19 2012
Satellite imagery of the rogue Canadian iron dumping experiment
by MIRIAM GOLDSTEIN, Deep Sea News, Oct. 19 2012
Replacing iron in sea not pollution, village says
by JUDITH LAVOIE, Times Colonist, Oct. 20 2012
Scientists warn iron dump could seriously harm ocean
by JAMES KELLER and KEVEN DREWS, CTV News, Oct. 20 2012
Living Oceans Society releases new evidence Re: Old Masset Iron Fertilization Scheme
by KAREN WRISTEN, Living Oceans Society, Oct. 20 2012
Rogue geoengineer creates massive Pacific plankton bloom
by DUNCAN GEERE, - Science, Oct. 20 2012
Geoengineering Schemes Split Scientists. A do-it-yourself ocean-seedig plan landed one man in hot water, but credible geoengineering plans are getting a closer look.
by ERIC NIILER, Discovery News, Oct. 21 2012
(German:) Umstrittenes Geoengineering-Projekt im Pazifik. Meeresdüngung entsetzt Umweltschützer. (Ocean fertilization horrified environmentalists)
by MARKUS C. SCHULTE VON DRACH, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Oct. 21 2012
Iron dumping in Haida Gwaii done to sell carbon credits, group claims
by ZOE MCKNIGHT, Vancouver Sun, Oct. 22 2012
UN questions ocean seeding test project off coast of Haida Gwaii
by MARK HUME, The Globe and Mail, Oct. 23 2012
Ocean-fertilization project off Canada sparks furore
by JEFF TOLLEFSON, Nature, Oct. 23 2012
Ocean Geoengineering: Serial Climate Hacking
Radio Ecoshock, Oct. 23 2012
Legal? Perhaps. But Controversial Fertilization Experiment May Produce Little Science
by ROBERT F. SERVICE, Science Inside, Oct. 23 2012
Scientists Eat Crow on Geoengineering Test. Me, Too
by MICHAEL D. LEMONICK, Climate Central, Oct. 23 2012;
'Fertilização' de oceano reacende polêmica
By BRUNO DEIRO, in O Estado de S.Paulo (Brazil), Oct. 24 2012
Can controversion Ocean Iron Fertilization save salmon?
By DAVID BIELLO, Scientific American, Oct. 24 2012
Pacific Ocean Hacker speaks out. Is Russ George a "rogue geoengineer," salmon savior or something else? By DAVID BIELLO, Scientific American, Oct. 24 2012
Iron-fertilizing experiment took place in worst possible spot, say scientists. Impossible to determine how iron affected the study without proper isolation.
by ZOE MCKNIGHT, Vancouver Sun, Oct. 24 2012
Haida iron-dumping project sought Swiss company to sell carbon creditst. Schoppmann & Partner Ag declined because they said there's no market.
by ZOE MCKNIGHT & GORDON HOEKSTRA, Vancouver Sun, Oct. 24 2012
Geoengineering project was about salmon fishery
by New Scientist, Oct. 25 2012
Greatest risk of ocean experiment is that it will spawn more: critic
by DENE MOORE, Montreal Gazette, Oct. 25 2012
Designer of controversial ocean project tried similar experiment in the past
by MARK HUME, The Globe and Mail, Oct. 25 2012
No to geo-engineering
Editors Opinion, The Observer, Oct. 26 2012
Geoengineering: Testing the Waters
by NAOMI KLEIN, The New York Times, Oct. 28 2012
Investigations of Russ George's Activities
by STEVEN B KRIVIT, New Energy Times, October 2012
B.C. geoengineering experiment attracts worldwide attention at UN / Haida Gwaii iron dumping hot topic as nations negotiate international geoengineering treaty
By DENE MOORE, Canadian Press, Oct. 28 2012
Viewpoints: International forum must rein in rogues
by ALBERT LIN, The Sacramento Bee, Oct. 28 2012
7.7 Earthquake Hits Where The Worlds Largest Geoengineering Experiment Took Place
by TERRY WILSON, Canadian Awareness Network, Oct. 28 2012
(German:) Privates Eisenduengungs-Experiment vor Kanada (Private Iron Fertilization Experiment in Canada)
by STEPHANIE LAHRTZ, Neue Zuericher Zeitung, Oct. 29 2012
Controversy over ocean geoengineering experiment (article + audio)
Radio Canada International, Oct. 29 2012
Geoengineering trouble: Iron fertilization project denounced by scientists and activists
by TOM INGRAM, The Manitoban, Oct. 29 2012
Ottawa says it knew nothing of ocean fertilization project
by SANDY HALL; CFJC TV, Oct. 1292012
Ottawa attacks Haida's 'rogue science' experiment. Alleged violation of Environmental Protection Act probed.
by PETER O'NEIL & DENE MOORE, The Canadian Press (in Vancouver Sun and the NOW), Oct. 30 2012;
Ocean Fertilization Could be a Boon to Fish Stocks
by RON JOHNSON, Earth Island Journal, Oct. 31 2012
Geoengineering experiments come to the forefront by NATALIA REAL, Fish Information & Services (FIS), Nov. 02 2012
UN expresses 'grave concern' over B.C. sea experiment
by KEVIN DREWS, The Globe and Mail, Nov. 02 2012
UN group clashes with First Nation over iron dumbing
by JUDITH LAVOIE with Canadian Press, Times Colonist, Nov. 03 2012
Geoengineering the Ocean off Haida Gwaii: A False Solution to Real Problems by EDUARDO SOUSA, Greenpeace Canada, Nov. 05 2012
American businessman's controversial ocean fertilization scheme off Canada's west coast in breach of at least two UN conventions.
by Ynet News, Nov. 06 2012
UN group issues statement of concern over iron dumping off B.C.'s north coast
by KEVIN DREWS,, Nov. 06 2012
Can dumping iron ino the sea fight climate change?
by MARTIN KASTE, npr, Nov. 07 2012,
NPR drops the ball on BC iron dump
Oceanographer's Choice, Blogg commenting the npr story by MARTIN KASTE, Nov. 07 2012
Mixing iron into the North Pacific stirs geo-engineering controversy
by PETER STRUTTON,, Nov. 08 2012
Geo-engineering and mad scietists
by BINOY KAMPMARK, Independent Australia, Dec. 01 2012
Rogue geoengineering could 'hijack' world's climate.
by JOHN VIDAL, The Guardian, Jan. 01 2013
The Greens' aAtack on Mariculture
by ROBERT ZUBRIN, National Review, Jan. 03 2013
To Revive Dying Oceans, Try Sinking a Bunch of Trees
by GREG THOMAS, Feb.02 2013
False solutions to real problems
by EDUARDO SOUSA, the Mark, Feb. 04 2013
Is iron sprinkling the best solution for our oceans?
by DAVID CLEMENTS, Langley Times, Feb. 04 2013
Questions, comments at ocean fertilization meetings in Skidegate, Masset
QCI Observer, Mar. 09 2013
Geoengineering Research Needs Better Guidelines, Climate Change Experts Say
by LAUREN MORELLO, the Huffington Post, Mar. 17 2013
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