Quick Reads es

Victorias globales a partir de alertas tempranas

Siete logros cruciales en nuestros primeros 40 años

Nos ocurre muchas veces en el Grupo ETC que cuando logramos algo importante, ya nos movimos hacia la siguiente lucha. Pero en nuestro cumpleaños 40, decidimos tomar un momento para celebrar algunas de nuestras victorias más queridas. Todas nos parecen cruciales, pero aquí las presentamos en orden cronológico.

7. El tratado sobre semillas

Movements of Millions Say No to Gene Drives as Brazil Attempts to Legalize Genetic Extinction Technology

Regulatory change would spread modified genetic traits to wild organisms


MONTREAL, MEXICO CITY, SÃO PAULO, February 22, 2018—The largest rural movements in Brazil, representing well over a million farmers, are protesting a new Brazilian regulation that would allow release of gene drives, the controversial genetic extinction technology, into Brazil’s ecosystems and farms.

El Fondo 2040

Iluminar caminos para salir del desastre

En este inicio de 2018 nos emociona presentar el Fondo 2040. En tanto que las tecnologías y el poder corporativo ganan masa crítica, nuestro esfuerzo como Grupo ETC reagrupará sus fuerzas,  dejando de luchar contra cada una de las tecnologías disruptivas para volcarnos a definir lo posible positivo en el plazo más largo, e iluminar rutas que nos saquen del desastre actual.  


2017: The Year of Bits, Bots and Blockchains

ETC Group’s Irreverent Year in Review... again

The future has arrived — it’s just not evenly distributed yet.” —William Gibson, 1992

As the year careens to a close, summing up the trends, portends and hairpin bends of 2017 feels like a Pandora’s unboxing of mashed up dystopias. Call it technological convergence or the fourth industrial revolution, but the familiar cyberpunk themes of robotics, Artificial Intelligence and bioengineered economies are now becoming cyber-industrial fact.

Global Wins from Early Warnings

Seven key ETC victories from the first 40 years

It's usually the case at ETC that when we encounter success, we've usually already moved on to the next campaign. But in our 40th year, we decided to take a moment to celebrate by looking back at some of our favourite wins. We like them all, so they are presented here in roughly chronological order.

7. Seed Treaty

The 2040 Fund

Illuminating pathways out of the current mess

As 2017 draws to a close, we’re excited to announce our 2040 Fund. As technologies and corporate power gain critical mass, ETC’s contribution will shift from from fighting technologies one by one to defining the “positive possible” of the longer term, and illuminating pathways out of the current mess.

To make that possible, our goal is to build a base of donors to our 2040 fund who contribute an average of $20.40 per month. Want to be part of it? Click here to donate now.

Or read on to find out more.

The Gene Drive Files

Disclosed emails reveal military as top funder; Gates Foundation paying $1.6 million to influence UN expert process

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Over 1,200 emails released under open records requests reveal that the U.S. military is now the top funder and influencer behind a controversial genetic extinction technology known as “gene drives” – pumping $100 million into the field.

Los archivos de los impulsores genéticos

Ejército de Estados Unidos, el principal inversionista. La Fundación Gates pagó US $1.6 millones para influir en decisiones de la ONU

WASHINGTON, D.C. —Más de 1,200 correos electrónicos publicados mediante una solicitud de libertad de acceso a información pública revelan que el Ejército de Estados Unidos es el principal inversionista, y quien más influye, en la controvertida tecnología de extinción genética conocida como “impulsores genéticos” (en inglés, gene drives) —en cuyas pruebas está invirtiendo unos $ 100 millones de dólares.

Mapping Geogengineering Projects

Interactive map from ETC Group and Heinrich Boell Foundation shows growth of climate control efforts

This interactive geoengineering map, prepared by ETC Group and the Heinrich Boell Foundation, is an attempt to shed light on the worldwide state of geoengineering by showing the scope of research and experimentation. There is no complete record of weather and climate control projects so this map is necessarily partial.
